Life Insurance

Shopping for life insurance isn’t like shopping for a new car, phone or TV. It really isn’t all that “fun.” However, life insurance is a key part in your financial plan. Having life insurance can ease the financial burden and stress of a loved ones passing.

We offer life insurance through reputable companies such as Banner Life, MetLife, Prudential and John Hancock.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A life insurance policy covers your loved ones when you pass away. You decide what type of coverage you would like and how much coverage you will have.
Life insurance policies are typically separated into two categories.

First, term life insurance. With this type of policy, you are covered during the term (20 years, 25 years, 30 years, etc).

Secondly, whole life insurance. With this type of policy, you are covered for the remainder of your life.

You may have heard of the word insurance premium, but it’s just a fancy word for payment.